sociotechnical engineering

Conversing about Technical Debt

Technical Debt will occur in any given software development project and it’s not a bad thing per se. Not all Technical Debt is caused by a deliberate decision, it can happen because we learn how the project evolves. Martin Fowler offers valuable perspectives on different distinctions of Technical Debt.

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The importance of including a social perspective in technology

Prior to starting my new job as a Tech Lead at Worth, I had a couple of weeks of free time. During that time, it was a perfect moment to reflect on a couple of things. One of these things being the various projects that I have worked on. While reflecting on these projects, I became curious about what I liked about the ones that were a success, and what I disliked about the ones that turned out to be a failure. Of course, there’s often not a single reason why a project is either a success or a failure....

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