Welcome on my blog! At this space I write all kinds of things, but mostly on socio-technical engineering, change management, and other things.
Recent Posts
WebAssembly errors with Evidence on a Nginx server
Lately I've been experimenting with data analysis. There are many tools available, but for my use cases I often require a simple and lightweight method. Ofcourse PowerBI is a well knowm solution, but...
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Migrating from Wordpress to Eleventy
I've finally made the jump. Moving from Wordpress to a generated static site. Something I've had on my wishlist for a long time, but never got around to. The reason for that was quite simple: I...
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Changing how we change
What do you do when you want something to change in your company or on your team? When your team tries to change, does it stick to new things or are you back to the old ways after a few weeks? How to...
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Influencing software quality as a Scrum Master
The quality of the software is a responsibility of the entire team. The Product Owner is responsible for building the right thing. Ensuring we build the thing right is the main responsibility of the...
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The value of sensemaking
Discovering and interpreting beliefs in groups Ever been part of a conversation that seemed to revolve around the same issue over and over again? Or a meeting where some people keep diving into...
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The dysfunctional effects of metrics
KPIs, OKRs, SLIs, SLOs. Just a few metrics that potentially can be used within an organization. In recent years, an increasing emphasis has been placed on measuring and monitoring results. An...
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Thoughts on organizing architecture
When being part of an enterprise, you will meet different architects on any given day. The first one introduces itself as a solution architect, the other calls itself the enterprise architect, and...
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Organizational sensing: why indicators are not enough
The world around us is changing quickly. Organizations need to rapidly respond to a changing world. In a knowledge intensive world, pressured by hypercompetition, new forms of organization are...
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Metrics: mitigating the cobra effect
At some point in history when the British ruled India, the colonial government were concerned about the number of venomous cobras. No one likes to be bitten by a poisonous snake, right? They decided...
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Sustainable change requires architecture of technology and organization
A desire to improve. Each organization I have met is searching for new ways to do better. A higher quality of their product. Optimize their process to deliver software quicker. A caveat however is...
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